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Department of Mathematics
التميز والصدارة في اعداد كوادر متميزة علمياً ومهنياً في جميع مجالات العلوم الرياضية وتطبيقاتها وان يكون قسم الرياضيات من الأقسام الرائدة على المستوى المحلي والعالمي في عملية التعلم والتعليم والبحث العلمي وخدمة المجتمع في ضوء التكنلوجيا الحديثة .

In the name of Allah the most merciful
It gives me pleasure to begin my statement by congratulating all male and female colleagues, faculty members of our esteemed department, and all members of the department and its students, on a successful and happy academic year. We all hope to achieve what pleases Allah and satisfies our consciences in this year towards building a new generation of our female students to become distinguished among them as cadres that benefit their society and country and achieve what is desired of them in a way to promote and advance this country. Mathematics is considered the basis for all basic fields, particularly, engineering and medical sciences, both theoretical and applied. Hence, came the famous saying: Mathematics is the servant and queen of science. Moreover, it is the stick on which all sciences in that it is not taught statically or merely as theories. Rather, it provides effective methods in the fields of statistics, decision-making, and in issues of linear programming, computers, and cryptography, and enable the mathematical researchers to model difficult problems that may face any of the business sectors and find optimal solutions for them, as well as for scientists in all fields because of the tremendous breakthroughs made in theoretical concepts and applications. Process in the fields of medicine and engineering. I am absolutely certain that Allah will direct my steps and those of my honorable colleagues on the path of this department so as to spread pure, applied and computational mathematics, which has become of paramount importance. In conclusion, I wish to pay tribute, on my own behalf and on behalf of all the esteemed colleagues and faculty members in the Department of Mathematics, to the honorable Dean of our Faculty for all of her tireless efforts and unlimited cooperation in order to raise the Faculty status among all the other faculties of our university. We ask Allah to grace our efforts with success and righteousness to achieve what is good for our beloved country.
M.D. Nadia Abdel Habib
Head of department
Head of department
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أخر الاخبار
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Mathematics Department at Al-Zahraa University (Peace Be Upon Her) for Women holds welcoming ceremony for first-year students. December 3, 2024
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Mathematics department presents workshop on how to write CV November 3, 2024
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