بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله رب العالمين. و الصلاة و السلام على خير خلقه اجمعين محمد. و على اهل بيته الطيبين الطاهرين المعصومين و بعد
Whoever is accepted into the Faculty of Education at Al-Zahraa University for Women will spend both fruitful and enjoyable academic times. The hard work of the Faculty staff is enjoyable for them because it stems from good intentions and dedication for this work. Consequently, the members of our Faculty are making more efforts to increase their productivity. The Faculty uses information technology in its administrative work to speed up the flow of transactions and administrative communications between departments and units. Faculty professors and tutors provide female students with curricula that include the most up-to-date information and experiences among their counterparts in the world. In addition, they instill in the students the values, principles and morals of Our Lady Al-Zahraa to be part of their personalities and morals.
The Faculty consists of four departments: Mathematics, Arabic language, English language, and Special Education. The duration of the bachelor’s program at the Faculty is four years in an annual system. However, this program was converted and became semestrial for the Mathematics Department starting from the academic year 2022-2023. The fourth stage includes an effective implementation period of 40 days in public and private secondary and high schools in all Iraqi governorates. The Faculty, through the appointments committee, selects the most qualified professionals to teach and provide the most modern curricula in the world. In order for the Faculty to communicate openly with its global counterparts, it has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Faculties of Science and Arts at Al-Zahra University in Iran, as well as with the departments of Arabic, English, and Mathematics at the University of Milan in Italy. The Faculty has an electronic library to make all solid source and methodological books accessible to female students and professors in the Faculty. In order to continue communication between female students and Faculty professors outside working hours, there are electronic classes for each academic subject that teachers utilize for female students’ inquiries, daily exams, presenting lectures, links that female students benefit from, and some scientific sources in the specialty. The Faculty always seeks to prepare courses in teaching methods for secondary school teachers, in addition to knowledge courses in the specialty. In the Faculty, each and every member of the Quality and University Performance Committee, the Accreditation and Scientific Publishing Committee, the Educational and Psychological Guidance Committee, the Electronic Management Unit, and the Application Committee carry out their duties in a responsible manner and are linked to subcommittees in the scientific departments under the same title. The Faculty always seeks to introduce modern technology into teaching. The Faculty offers seven workshops per month on the latest topics of its specializations, most of which are conducted in partnership with similar departments from Iraqi and Arab universities.
The Faculty's mission is to prepare a Fatimid teaching institution that stands on the verge of knowledge in its specialized disciplines.
The Deanship of the Faculty of Education at Al-Zahraa University for Women is proud that the university bears the name and values of Al-Zahraa, peace be upon her. It confirms that the faculty members, female employees and students are the beating heart of the Faculty and we always look forward to providing what is modern in light of current technology.
Mr. Dr. Iman Samir Bahia
Dean of the Faculty of Education