The College of Education/Department of Arabic Language at Al-Zahra University for women organized a scientific field trip for the students of the second stage to the Holy Shrine Library of Al-Hussainia. Accompanied by Dr. Huda Al-Amidi/ Head of the Arabic Language Department, and a group of teaching staff and students.
The scientific trip is an essential part of their academic curriculum and aims to educate the students and familiarize themselves with the contents of the library of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (PBUH), which comprises treasures of valuable modern books with different scientific and cultural specializations.
استقبل كادر المكتبة وفد القسم وقدموا لهم نبذة تأريخية عن المكتبة وأقسامها وشرح مفصل عن نظام الفهرسة العالمي المُتبَّع لديهم.
At the end of the trip they were invited to the Imam al Hussain(pbuh) Restaurant and a meal was hosted for them.